2025 WTA Banquet
February 22nd - Chula Vista Resort Wisconsin Dells, WI
2025 Keynote Speaker: Jim Willems
Mark your calendars and get signed up to attend The Wisconsin Traditional Archers Annual Banquet on February 22nd, 2025! The upcoming banquet will be held one last time at Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells before moving to Madison Marriot for 2026. Come and enjoy a great day filled with fun events including games/raffles, kids shooting range, lots of vendors and seminars throughout the day. Your Annual WTA Membership Meeting will be Saturday morning prior to all the activities please try to take part.
Banquet registration for dinner and/or WTA Bucks purchasing is located on one of the following pages and can be mailed in or you can register using AffiniPay. Just be sure to put all names of guests, meals choices and amount of WTA bucks in the reference section when paying. You do not need to purchase dinner to buy WTA Bucks for daytime raffles and attend the daytime activities.