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  • Bow Loaner Application


Rice Spann - ricespann@gmail.com - 608-632-2822

Cheryl Braun - cherylnbraun@charter.net - 920-344-3571

Wisconsin Traditional Archers Loaner Program Application

 I, _____________________________________ from ______________________________(Archery Club, WTA Member, or School Program) am a member in good standing and would like to apply for the WTA bow  loaner program for the year __________________

I agree to the following:

  • 1.       Learn from my mentor/liaison to use the equipment loaned to me.
  • 2.       To take proper care, handling, and storage of the loaned bow
  • 3.       Will return the bow in good condition at the end of the year with the understanding that if the bow is not returned in good condition, I will have to pay $150.00 to be paid to the WTA for replacement of the bow.
  • 4.       Will attend at least two (2) traditional archery events in the year.
  • 5.       WTA and the member club/School Program are not responsible for any damage or injury to the user or those around if failure of the bow should occur.

Applicant signature

Liaison signature

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